Building the Palace of Wonder

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Mauricio Cranciaruso building Greek themed POW works

Mauricio has been hard at work for the past three weeks building Greek columns out of used oil cans and other scrap. He says the brief he was given this year was “Flight of Icarus” and that’s what will greet visitors when they step through the gates.

It’s been a tough year for Mauricio and his Mutoind Waste Company which built much of the Palace of Wonder over the past 20 some years. They lost a fellow Mutoid, Dave, who was an instrumental part of the crew and an omnipresent figure at Glastonbury.They hope that his spirit keeps on, and perhaps the theme of Icarus is appropriate, of someone living on his own terms and aspiring to great heights.

Mauricio spends most of his time in the San Francisco area now, and has been commissioned to do major works at Burning Man, though he prefers the mountains to the desert, and loves the company of Fuji Rockers.

As for the Joe Strummer memorial which was crushed in a snow avalanche two years ago, Mauricio says they will do something potentially next year, maybe importing another disused gondola from the UK or another tribute. Anyways the campfire tree made from disused mufflers is still operational and is something that Joe would’ve wanted to see keep burning.

“Joe always told me that he just wanted to be one of us. And I’m sure he would enjoy the campfire.”

Though the Palace of Wonder is getting crowded with new works now, it’s still a place to enjoy to enjoy great art and friendship.

Text by Sean scanlan Posted on 2016.7.22 13:01