TAGS: 7/28 FRI
2017 broke the sunny streak of the past couple years at Fujirock and the infamous rain and mud returned. While most of it was a rain-soaked affair, th...
Marcus King has been playing the blues guitar since such an early age it has become second nature. Like you or I breaths in air or speak our mother to...
So it's pretty late on Sunday and you've got absolutely no idea about how you are going to get yerself home. No worries. We got some definite tips for...
Sitting dead center in the Palace of Wonder is the Globe of Death, an mesh ball with only one entrance but a whole lot of craziness going on. As many ...
The most charming moment of Schadaraparr’s came near the end, when they held a “request corner.” One should always take the actual spontaneity of such...
17 years after their last appearance in Japan, Queens of the Stone Age took to the White Stage on an evening when much of the festival site was suffer...
This year's Fuji Rock has been defined by visuals. The Green Stage headliners so far have relied heavily on some sort of image component, while many o...
When you come into a show expecting something different and obscure it can lead you in a few ways. I heard allegations of avant-garde and experimental...