Kids Land

  • Kids Land
  • Kids Land
  • Kids Land
  • Kids Land
  • Kids Land
  • Kids Land

Photo by Jonathan Ruggles Text by Jonathan Ruggles

Posted on 2022.7.29 10:40

Fuji Rock for the Whole Family!

Fuji Rock may be a tailor-made wonderland for the child inside all of us adults, but don’t forget that it is also a great place for actual kids of every age! While the festival may be dotted with child-friendly diversions, and what kid doesn’t like strapping on a pair of ear protectors and enjoying one of their first concerts from the perch of a parent’s shoulders, Kids Land is a space just for the kids.

Nestled between the Green and White stages, Kids Land offers kid-centered workshops, a merry-go-round, a beautiful wooden jungle gym that is as much art as it is play place, see-saw, the list goes on. And it is right next to Kids no Mori (or Kids Forest), which lets children get hands on with the nature that surrounds us here in Naeba, making bonfires, catching bugs, all the things a city kid might miss out on.

Kids Land also offers diaper exchanges and nursing stations, so even if you have little little ones in tow, Fuji Rock is here to help.

[Photo: 3 All photo]