“A Taste of Spain”
If you find yourself hungry or thirsty during the festival, why not visit the Spanish food stand at the World Restaurant area near the Oasis?
At Paella and Sangria you can find the best seafood paella this side of Tokyo. Carefully cooked by Jorge Diaz and served with a big smile by his cheerful crew, you are sure to delight your palate with a typical Valencia rice. You can also captivate your taste buds with some Spanish ham, “Pinchos Morunos” (chicken on a stick), grilled shrimps or sausages.
And if you want something to drink, why not drink a glass of hand-made Sangria? or one of the delicious Alhambra beers? (it’s nice to take a break from Heineken every once in a while, right?).
So now you know where to find some delicious food to eat and tasty drinks to savour. And I should know, I am from Valencia.