UK funk act The Heavy have their songs everywhere -- TV shows, TV commercials and all sorts of new media -- but if you've never seen them live, you're...
Zainichi Funk, whose name means everyday funk or funk everyday, is a great funk band with a distinctly Japanese flair. It all starts with front man Ke...
Yeah, let the weekend begin! And nothing could be better than watching The Collectors (ザ・コレクターズ?), a Japanese rock band formed in 1986, perform on the...
Two "pilots" perched atop a 'control tower' dj-booth, zooming airplane visuals, in-flight PA announcement intros, and a sample lifted from "Willy Wonk...
Given that all the word of mouth about The Internet was about how they're an offshoot of Odd Future, with two members having come from that fuck-all-t...
"Smooth" is the key word for talking about Suchmos. The young Kanagawa-born six-piece play a tight type of rock-funk falling somewhere between Jamiroq...
The DJ spinning Nirvana's "Rape Me" before the show got underway served as a clue to just how KOHH's early afternoon set on the White Stage was going ...