Day Wave

Fun inside and out of the rain!

Day Wave had the honor of opening the Red Marque on Saturday, an honor usually given to an up and coming rock band with a solid support base. It didn’t hurt that many were already camped out in the Red Marquee as a haven from the rain. With camping chairs staking out prime territory , it was hard to make it to the front of the stage, but anonymously playing follow the leader would allow on the chance to get reasonably close to the band.

Followers of Day Wave will now that it is a personal project of Jackson Phillips who hires musicians to play his compositions. The band naturally started with “Something Here” which drew streams of people to the front with bouncy rhythms. From California, they can be compared to Pavement or the east coast equivalent Vampire Weekend. The second number was “Gone” and then the upbeat anthem “Untitled” .
Another hit getting heavy rotation is “Come Home Now” which felt like a lullaby for suburbia or music designed to be heard on headphones. The tune “Bring You Down” was a total downer but I guess that is probably the point.

Phillips then introduced a cover song which immediately brought one back to the early 90’s with New Order’s “Ceremony”, a lovely song that really couldn’t have been performed any better and really brought a little ray of sunshine on a day which has seen many people drenched with rain.

 Photo by MITCH IKEDA  Text by Posted on 2017.7.6 19:32