Stomping through a blistering set

Reading’s The Amazons stomp on stage with a white car burning on the video screen directly behind them. The image is fitting as this young four-piece are intent on not taking any prisoners at their set this afternoon. The band open with “Stay With Me” off their eponymous debut The Amazons. Frontman Matt Thompson on vocals and guitar is a force of nature, shredding guitar notes and his vocal chords with no worries about tomorrow.

The crowd is responding well and they are bobbing and dancing in front where the band’s true power can be felt. In their next number “Ultraviolet” Joe Emmett is really dealing on drums and showing off the band’s musicianship. Next is “Black Magic” and I am wondering if the band can keep up this loud volume. It’s loud fast rules all the way as The Amazons are a fireball of power driving full speed down the road with the car on fire!

All sets at Red Marquee are mercifully short, so there’s little time for the mind to wander or get bored. The band transition to “Little Something” and “In My Mind”. Without a big back catalog, just one full length album released this year and a few singles, it’s pretty easy to predict what you are going to get with That Amazons.

For their finale, the band rip into “Junk Food Forever” with the audience hanging around to sing the chorus even after the band had left the stage. It was a touching moment as the rolling “Oh oh oh” deeply impressed the band as the bowed deeply.

Great giant Amazons of rock brought down to earth by a caring audience.

 Photo by MITCH IKEDA  Text by Sean Scanlan Posted on 2017.7.31 02:09