Peak Pyramid

The pyramid stage area and it associated camp ground is as close as FujiRock comes to glamping. Per-booked tents are set up here and the highly-coveted flat ground is limited to 500 people, making for a slightly more peaceful and spacious camping experience. Rounding this out is a restaurant lodge serving food and range of things for small folk to clamber all over, a coffee shop with an interminable queue and even a vinegar bar to help you reach peak glamp status.

The stage placed at the end of the area is only slightly intruding into the morning with some soft psychedelic guitar and inoffensive pop . The locals are out in force enjoying the reprieve from the wet weather since Friday: kids swinging in hammocks and shrieking up and down the slide. Weirdly, the Twin Peaks theme tune starts playing and I look round hoping to find Agent Cooper in search of some “damn fine coffee”. Sadly, the theme tune instead brings with it the first sprinkling of rain.

Coffee finally procured, I sit down on a chair (yup, they have chairs) and look around for Silent Poets. Turns out, Silent Poets is a dude in a tent spinning The Velvet Underground, Smokey Robinson, Radiohead and other chilled classics to a assembled audience of festival nappers and iPhone zombies. It’s pleasantly chill way to start the daylight – being much less muddy and frenetic than the main festival site, and the tunes designed for your relaxing pleasure. If it were sunny, this would be the perfect way to recuperate on the grass on a Sunday morning.

If you ever need a reprieve from the madness, Pyramid Garden may well be the place to get yourself away from the madness and Silent Poets the soundtrack for it. Festival sanity restored.

 Photo by Yusuke Baba  Text by Laura Cooper Posted on 2017.7.30 14:49