Jim’s Vinyl Nasium Stretches Out, And Other Changes

The party spot gets a little more room

We’ve just arrived at Naeba for Fuji Rock Festival 2017, and are still discovering a lot of the changes gracing the grounds at this year’s edition. So far, the biggest shift has come where the World Restaurant area sits. A series of wooden counters have been installed in front of the food tents, allowing punters the chance to set their meal or drink down while enjoying the music playing nearby, while a small wooden path has also been constructed to make the walk over easier. The biggest development, though, comes at long-running fest staple Jim’s Vinyl Nasium. Previously housed in a small booth, the space has been expanded greatly this year, allowing more room for dancers to show off their moves while Jim spins the deep cuts. Stay tuned to see what other changes we spot out in Niigata this year.

 Photo by Patrick St. Michel  Text by Patrick St. Michel Posted on 2017.7.27 18:18