Opening the festival are the colourful clown trio, who burst straight into their set of frenetic jazz. Full of frantic melody, it’s clear from the start that the keyboard of H Zett M is the main attraction. His fingers fly across the keyboard, blazing notes and melody as the rhythm section anchors and abets his wild flights of fancy.

Just when the keyboard of M calms down, it’s the bass of Nire that takes the spotlight with a thudding solo. This is quickly answered by drummer Kou, rattling off a wild flurry of rhythm. These two might be restricted by their size of the instruments but M certainly isn’t as he dances around, only hunching over the keyboard as the passages grow faster. It’s a freewheeling frenzy of jazz that calms down occasionally for more classical passages that soon explode back into action.

But it is the final song that takes the set to another level. To match its twisting lines of melody and rhythm, the band are joined on stage by three equally energetic dancers that wield balls of light and spin batons to form images. They twirl and contort to each flourish, matching each ridiculous passage with equally wonderful fluidity as the crowd roars their approval. The song resolves with one final exclamation as the band and dancers are then cheered off stage.

With infectious energy, dazzling virtuosity and catchy melodic jazz, the trio has ensured Fuji Rock started with a bang. They play again 11:30am Saturday at the White Stage. If you’re in the mood for a bit of clowning around and jazz that makes you dance like an idiot, make sure you’re there!

 Photo by Yoshihito KOBA  Text by Matt Evans Posted on 2017.7.27 23:07