

Free Stuff and How to Get It

Who doesn’t love free stuff? This year, Tower Records is again giving away free neck towels (with the chance to upgrade to a cool t-shirt for a few lucky souls). In order to receive it, simply head over to their stall that is just past the Green Stage and fill out the online form. For those who can’t speak Japanese, here’s a quick translation of the process that’s outlined on the sign.

1. Follow the link or the QR code at the top of the poster to the website.

2. Enter your own email address into the online form and send an email to the Tower Records promotion account (this should come up automatically).

3. Check your email account, open the email from Tower Records and click on the link inside.

4. Enter a password (6-20 characters in English), re-enter it in the next space, select your gender and then select your birthday. Be sure to unclick the last part, unless you want to receive mail from the company.

5. Click on the dark blue coloured buttons until you get a picture of a towel or shirt. Then go show the staff at the stall this to receive your prize!

Any problems, be sure to ask the friendly staff. Enjoy your towel!


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