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Flash sale on Cuban straw hats!

  • Flash sale on Cuban straw hats!
  • Flash sale on Cuban straw hats!
  • Flash sale on Cuban straw hats!
  • Flash sale on Cuban straw hats!

© Photo by Sean© Text by Sean

Posted on 2018.7.27 12:59

John Helm has just finished soaking these Cuban straw hats in the river and now he is drying them out. He’s doing this for beer money and to help out a neighbor in Santiago. He reckons he brought 100 over and it will only take 2-3 hours to sell the lot.

He started selling the famous Glastonbury hat made from the pod of a plant harvested by Colombian Indians. “After Glastonbury, I would buy all the leftovers off him and bring them here.” Unfortunately these stocks are no longer available so he’s selling these straw sombreros.

Be smart, keep your head covered!


#TAGS : 7/27 FRI