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eastern youth

  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth
  • eastern youth

© Photo by Tomoko Okabe© Text by Patrick St. Michel

Posted on 2018.7.28 13:21

Waking up to some screeching guitar playing

Before today, I’m not sure I would have answered the question “what’s the best way to snap out of the morning doldrums” with anything other than “coffee.” Welp, I’m now willing to add “ear-splitting guitar feedback and screamed vocals” to the list of things that feel like a bucket of cold water being poured over your head (huh, that should go on this hypothetical list too). But that’s what long-running rockers eastern youth brought to the Green Stage this morning. They jolted punters awake with a fierce set — and prompted plenty of others to walk away, fingers in ears.

The trio have been staples at Fuji Rock since before the new century, and can be counted on to deliver a dash of energy to the schedule at any point in the day. The key is volume, as they let their guitars spike and weren’t afraid to let feedback screech across the Green Stage field, despite the fact the bulk of folks watching were still seemingly shaking off the morning grogginess. Lead singer Hisashi Yoshino only added to the energy via his barked vocals. The folks up front rocked out to every new blast of sound. Everyone else…well, they at least were awake by the end.
