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  • ASH

© Photo by Keiko Hirakawa© Text by Sean

Posted on 2018.7.28 19:52

Rocking live around the world by Youtube

Northern Irish rockers Ash packed the White Stage with the audience spilling well past the Heineken tent in the pack. A rapt audience lapped up a selection of hits and new tracks. The band have an impressive back catalogue of 5 albums with a number platinum and gold releases, making them no strangers to Japanese fans.

It was a hot dusty walk across the festival grounds, but well worth as Ash brought earnest emotion in the opening number “A Life Less Ordinary” and “Goldfinger”. Frontman and guitarist, Tim Wheeler, introduced the song “Annabell” of their new album “Islands”. It proved to be a groove friendly riff as the audience bobbed and weaved. Later it was “Kung Fu” and “Cocoon”. Wheeler’s guitar playing really showed through in the track “Girl From Mars” which many recognized.

The band also drew attention to new Youtube broadcast this year, which is being streamed around the world including Belfast, Northern Island. The live stream may have been the reason why the band debuted so many new tracks such as “Confessions of the Pool”.

Later, Wheeler asked the audience if they know a song”Buzzkill” which was very reminiscent of Weezer with its chords and general high school slacker language. The band played “Orpheus” and then launched into “Burn Baby Burn”. It was a fitting closer, allowing for lots of riffing and rocking out. The band didn’t leave anything left after this blistering set on a cloud covered day.

As the band left, the audience cheered “one more song” though not enough time in the schedule could permit another track. However, before ending their set, Ash hinted at a number of their own shows in Japan next year. So hopefully, see you soon
