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Awesome City Club

  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club
  • Awesome City Club

© Photo by Keiko Hirakawa© Text by Sean

Posted on 2018.7.29 21:13

Following the pop formula perfectly

Bassist Takumi Matsuzaka had a clear plan in mind when he launched his band, Awesome City Club, in early 2013. In interviews with local publications he says his master plan for the band was 2 girls and 3 guys and music that simply made the audience dance.

He also knew the jam he wanted which was a slow party rhythm with throwaway lyrics as the most important thing was to dance and have a good time. And if there’s any doubt about whether or not this formula would work, it certainly got the thousand plus audience inside the Red Marquee dancing and jumping.

Awesome City Club are a smart looking band that take their craft seriously with pre-rehearsed onstage moves, and an infectious live rhythm. The band also play a ton of shows each year and are active promoting themselves via Youtube and social media, worrying more about building a fan base rather than earning royalties.

Other members such as drummer, Yukie Oshiro, have been in other bands and are well seasoned in the art of performing as an indie band. In fact, they have enjoyed high profile opening slots for Deerhoof and Tahiti 80. The group’s debut, “Awesome City Tracks,” came out three years ago, and since then it’s been non-stop recording and touring with four full length albums now to the credit.

Musically, the band veer from pop to chillwave to groove and jungle. The band are unabashed about playing what they love. It’s all worked out just fine for this band who are now on a major label and making new audiences such as those at Fuji Rock this year fall in love with their infectious energy.
