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Get Ready for the Set With An Orandrink Lamar

  • Get Ready for the Set With An Orandrink Lamar
  • Get Ready for the Set With An Orandrink Lamar
  • Get Ready for the Set With An Orandrink Lamar
  • Get Ready for the Set With An Orandrink Lamar

© Photo by Jonathan Cooper© Text by Jonathan Cooper

Posted on 2018.7.28 15:04

Groan worthy names, but delicious drinks

With only a few hours to kill before Kendrick’s set, it is time to get a few pre-drinks in.  And what better thirst-quencher could there be than Karma Bar’s Orandrink Lamar, a blend of rum, cranberry juice and, you guessed it, orange juice.


Despite having no relation to the artist beyond the vague resemblance to his name, the drink is quite refreshing and strong, at only 500 yen a pop.  Karma Bar has been serving up similarly jokey drink concoctions since Fuji Rock’s start 20 years ago, and the tradition is alive and well in 2018. You can find them near Gan Ban Square in the Oasis.


Not a Kendrick person?  Then why not try a Skrillebull! Or if your taste in music goes back a few years further you could always have one of Bob’s favorite drinks, Like a Jamestone.  Even if the puns aren’t top shelf, the drinks are.


#TAGS : drinksKendrick